Study Compares Standard, Vector Change and Double Sequential Defibrillation

A 64-year-old man has a witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) while attending a hockey game. Bystander CPR is immediately started while an automatic external defibrillator (AED) is located. He is found to be in ventricular fibrillation and receives two defibrillation attempts with the AED. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arrive and provide another defibrillation with their…

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‘Lawn bowls is not an old man’s game

Pharaoh herself took up the sport because her parents played. As a family they were constantly at the green; she and her mum Chris won the national doubles championship. Indeed, Chris and Amy’s dad Bernard, are sitting on a bench watching their daughter in action.  “She won the national under-25s competition when she was 12,”…

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